111 | What can I do with all my videos?
Learn from expert Adam Pratt how to deal with videos and home movies you will come across when working with your photos.
Learn from expert Adam Pratt how to deal with videos and home movies you will come across when working with your photos.
Practical steps from Professional Organiser Amy Revell from The Art of Decluttering brings a new perspective to help you organise your photos.
A great tool to help us gather that information that sometimes randomly comes up during the sorting is a timeline.
When organising our photos, we inevitably encounter a packet of negatives. So, what do we do with them? Keep them or throw them out?
We interview Adam Pratt, author of ‘Declutter Your Photo Life’, written to help you turn your photo chaos into precious memories to be enjoyed and shared!
Never work with your originally gathered digital photos. Make a copy first and then get to deduplicate and organise.
Need help with your photos in 2022? Subscribe to New Podcast releases in 2022 for the DIY Photo Organising Podcast.
Need help with your photos? We have 5 Essential Photo Management Tips to help you with your digital and printed photos.
In the photo gathering process, we sometimes need to access photos that others took. Find out how to best gather them from others.
Photo sticks are advertised as little magic wands to backup digital photos. Here is our take on them and how we use them, when we do.