What to do with negatives

Episode 095
What to do with negatives

When organising our photos, we inevitably encounter a packet of negatives. So, what do we do with them? 

  • Keep them?
  • Separate them from the photos they are with?
  • Throw them out and only keep the photos?

Before we even suggest listening to this podcast episode we are here to suggest you….

Keep them…(please)

In this episode, we talk about 

  • Your negatives
  • Why we recommend keeping them
  • Archiving options for your negatives
  • The difference between scanning prints and negatives

Here are some examples

Links mentioned in this episode:

Book: Declutter Your Photo Life by Adam Pratt

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Related episodes:

Episode 013 | Scan or Not to Scan

Episode 042 | What format is that? Converting Old Media to Digital – with Adam Pratt

Episode 088 | Expert tips on photo archiving

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