021 | Manage your photos using your Android Phone and Google Photos
Do you own an Android phone and are using Google Photos? Here is how to use this set up to make your digital photo management easier.
Do you own an Android phone and are using Google Photos? Here is how to use this set up to make your digital photo management easier.
Amazon Photos and Amazon Drive are often used when it comes to digital photo management. What is the difference though?
Synchronising and backing up is often confused, which can end badly when it comes to digital photo management. So, what is the difference?
Wondering how to keep your photos safe during a trip? Check out these tips to find out how to easily backup photos during your next holiday.
Google Photos is one of the most popular photo management app. However, is it really a good tool to store and backup your digital photos?
Our Golden Rule 1 in photo organising is about backups. Before you do anything else with your photos, make sure they are backed up.