How to move forward and stop procrastinating

Episode 106
How to move forward and stop procrastinating

Are you good at procrastinating about your photos? Well, you are not alone!

Since Chantal is planning to run mini-classes / workshops soon she recently conducted a survey to find out what readers and listeners are interested in most. The clear winner was ‘How to Stop Procrastinating about my Photos’.

Interestingly, Fiona and Chantal have already created an e-guide (downloadable here) about that very topic.

Since it seems to be such a popular topic, we are re-visiting some of its content and are diving a bit deeper in some of the reasons why we tend to procrastinate when it comes to our photos and what we can do about it.

Possible and typical reasons are for example the lack of knowledge of how to do something, using goals that are too abstract or perfectionism.

Get our free e-guide to see more details here!

The big question is how we can overcome procrastination and, unsurprisingly, we recommend to become really clear about your Why, which is our Golden Rule 2.

Not only this, we are also talking about individual’s core values such as integrity, honesty, creativity and many more, and how these can influence our Why. As always, we are using practical examples that hopefully encourage you to getting started.

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How to Stop Procrastinating Guide

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