Save Your Photos Month

Episode 073
What is Save Your Photos Month?

Have you heard of Save Your Photos Month? It is all FREE…and who doesn’t love a good freebie?!
Every year in September, photo organisers, companies, and photo retailers come together to raise awareness about the benefits of safeguarding your photos.
Professional photo managers (like us wink wink) will be presenting over 40 mini-classes to teach you how to preserve life’s irreplaceable photos, videos and documents…as well as other important topics focussed to help you with your photos.
Here is a list of some of the mini-classes you can watch from 1st September 2021 (~15 minutes each) if you register:
  • 3 Simple ways to create a photo legacy
  • Gain control of your duplicate photos
  • Your baby’s first year
  • 5 Tips for downsizing prints & memorabilia
  • Unlock the power of “memories” on your iPhone
  • Photo sorting made simple with software
  • Digital photo organising tools
  • Behind the scenes with a Professional Photo Organiser
  • Treasure Hunt: Finding the gems
  • How to stop photo-procrastinating
  • A legacy of photos – Getting started
  • Apple Photos: Books, prints and cards
  • Overcoming Overwhelm with Project-based organisation
  • Photo Album rescue
  • Create a family archive
  • 3 Simple things you can do today to organise your digital photos
  • Tell your story: Family history
  • 5 Themes to highlight your family stories
  • Telling photo stories that matter
  • Fight off a ransomware attack!
  • Making sense of old family photographs
  • Photo gift ideas
  • Manageable memory keeping
  • Protecting your photos while traveling
  • Design a gallery wall in Canva
  • Designing a book with photos and text
  • SOS: Save, organise, and share your memories now and for generations
  • Creating your permanent legacy
  • Become a certified Professional Photo Organiser
How to Stop Procrastinating Guide

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