Job of a Photo Organiser

Episode 017
What does a Photo Organiser do?

Organising your photos can certainly be a big job! That’s where a Photo Organiser can come to the rescue. So what does a Photo Organiser actually do? Join Fiona Staff and Chantal Imbach as they answer this question and explain a little about what a Photo Organiser does.
In this episode we talk about some of the ways we help others as they go about their photo organising projects. We talk about how we help families preserve their printed photos by scanning them. We also talk about how people call on a photo organiser to help with their digital photos, and some of the things we do to help get things under control again.
As we are both Certified Personal Photo Organisers, we also talk a little about the professional association we belong to: The Photo Managers (formerly APPO, Association for Personal Photo Organisers). 
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